Five Orchid Care Tips in Winter Seasons
Posted by RUMKI MODAK on
Orchid care in winter months is very important for healthy development. You already know orchids love the summer months (after all, they're a tropical plant), but that doesn't mean your orchid can't continue to thrive now that the temperatures are dropping. Here are five simple tips for orchid care in winter months to keep your orchid happy, healthy and beautiful. 1. Give your Orchid Enough Light You can extend the life of your orchid by making sure it's getting enough lights during shorter winter days. Try moving it to the sunniest room in your home or the room with the most windows. Orchids...
Leaves melt of Phalaenopsis during winter - Symptoms & Cares :-
Posted by RUMKI MODAK on

Bacterial and fungal diseases can strike even hardy orchid species like. When Phalaenopsis orchids are infected by orchid fungal diseaes or orchid bacterial diseases, beginning corrective treatment promptly will improve your orchid’s chance of recovery. As we noticed, discolored leaves and an unpleasant odor are the two most obvious signs of a bacterial infection. Bacterial orchid diseases are caused by high temperatures and high humidity and usually have an obvious visual presentation. If daily inspection of your Just Add Ice Orchid reveals brown or soft spots; a bacterial disease is the likely culprit. The most common orchid diseases are: Bacterial Brown Spot begins as a soft,...
Black Rots of Orchids-Symptomps & cure
Posted by RUMKI MODAK on

Black Rot By Susan Jones A danger to orchids any time the weather is rainy or damp for extended periods, black rot can quickly destroy an entire plant if left unchecked. Caused by one or both of the fungi Pythium ultimum and Phytophthora cactorum, black rot affects a wide variety of orchids. Cattleyas seem to be particularly susceptible. Black rot moves quickly through a plant and can decimate an orchid collection if not treated Life Cycle The fungi that cause black rot in orchids can live only in environments where water is available to them. They consist of...